As a research centre, the IDea_Lab is dedicated to the topics of digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and big data. Our researchers come from various disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and computer science and work in an interdisciplinary manner to understand and shape the digital future. They focus on the ethics of AI, machine learning methods, and data analysis.
In addition to the various work areas and groups of the IDea_Lab professorships, our centre includes two organisational units: the Data Lab and the Methods Lab.
The Data Lab develops formats for building the skills of university employees in relation to data-intensive methods and applications. In the Data Lab, we also shape the university's research data governance. In addition, we are establishing a networking platform for science, business, and the public on all aspects of digital transformation.
In the Methods Lab, we connect researchers at the University of Graz who are working on various digitalisation and "datafication" topics and support them in the development of research projects and applications.
The IDea_Lab and its units are open for exchange and collaboration. We cordially invite you to enter into dialogue with us and explore innovative paths in digital research together!
Head of the IDea_Lab
Markus Fallenböck has been Head of the IDea_Lab since October 2023. He has been working on the legal and economic implementation of the digital transformation for more than 20 years. He also teaches as a professor at the Institute for Public Law and Political Science and was Head of the Department of Finance, Human Resources, and Law at the University for Continuing Education Krems until September 2022. Markus Fallenböck has been Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Digitalisation at the University of Graz since October 2022.
Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Digitalisation
E-Mail: vizerektor.personal(at)
Telephone: +43 316 380 - 1740
Address: Universitätsplatz 3/I, 8010 Graz
Use Google Maps to find Leechgasse 34: