Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
Research at the intersection of technology and ethics.
We explore foundational questions concerning Artificial Intelligence in an interdisciplinary fashion, combining rigorous philosophical thought with empirical methods from the cognitive sciences.
Central questions that keep us awake at night are: Who is responsible when AI causes harm? How can AI systems be aligned with human values? What are our normative expectations towards artificial agents? How should we conceive of, and tackle, algorithmic bias? When can, and should, we trust AI?
Our reseach strives to deepen our understanding of the ethical implications of AI as well as to catalyze the development of ethically sound practices and policies that underpin the responsible deployment of AI technologies in society.
Some example publications regard responsibility gaps in the use of autonomous systems, the attribution of blame to AI-driven systems, the question whether people think AI can lie and whether it can make art and what, if anything, can count as a “moral algorithm”.
In case you have a background in philosophy, psychology, linguistics, law or computer science and are interested in a research internship, or MA and PhD thesis supervision, please get in touch with Lucien Baumgartner.

Univ.-Prof. PhD Markus Kneer

Norina Lindenstruth

Philippe Sloksnath
BSc Kerstin Kadritzke